The Latest News From ATL

ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
July 11, 2024

ATL announces two significant contract extensions!

ATL is delighted to announce two significant contract extensions! We have successfully secured work with a major aerospace OEM customer for another two years and we have also agreed another annual contract extension with one of our main industrial customers!…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
June 18, 2024

David Muir promotes ATL at Schools and Airshows

One of our Engineers, David Muir has been doing some excellent work recently promoting ATL at schools and airshows. David has been building simulators for the past 20 years and he was recently approached by Wiliam Scott, chairman of the…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
May 29, 2024

ATL recommits to Young Person’s Guarantee scheme

The Young Person's Guarantee brings together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering.   ATL…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
May 1, 2024

Thank You, Primary Engineer

Our CEO Dale Harris would like to thank Primary Engineer for inviting him to be a judge for the second year in a row at Dundee University yesterday! Throughout the day, kids from all age groups were asked to present…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
April 10, 2024

ATL Introduces Production Engineering

To ensure that our designed repair solutions are practical, effective and as efficient as possible, ATL have recently added Production Engineering to our component repair arsenal. But what exactly is this and why have we introduced it? The objective of…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
April 4, 2024

Primary Engineer Programme

The Primary Engineer programme has again invited our CEO, Dale Harris, along to be a judge in this year’s programme. As a reminder, the challenge to primary school pupils is ‘what would you do if you were an engineer for…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
March 28, 2024

Welcome John McHardy

If you’ve been in our Laboratory lately you might have seen a new face in the building. This is John McHardy, a marketing student from Abertay University, who is on a 10-week work placement with ATL, coming in each Wednesday.…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
January 25, 2024

ATL welcomes Hedzup youth charity

Yesterday, ATL was delighted to host a visit from the Hedzup youth charity, which is based in Arbroath. The initial Hedzup concept was developed by Ian Pert (ex-mountain rescue) and Ewan Stewart (Ex-Police Scotland) whilst awaiting a helicopter during a…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
January 11, 2024

Thank you to Sharing in Growth

December was our last official month on the Sharing in Growth programme and we'd like to say thanks to all the SIG coaches we’ve had over our 5.5 years together. Sharing in Growth had a continuous impact on the improvement of…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
December 7, 2023

ATL donates £500 to Fairfield Community Hub!

ATL is always delighted to be able to help support the Fairfield Community Hub, especially at this time of year and we have recently donated £500 to boost their efforts! Fairfield Community Hub is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization founded…
ATL Newsfeatured newsUncategorized
November 29, 2023

ATL attending Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc for a STEM Expo

This week, Simon, Stuart and Sarah from the ATL team are attending Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc for a STEM Expo and have been doing a great job making paper aeroplanes to explain aerodynamics to the kids! Extra praise deservedly goes to Simon,…
ATL Newsfeatured newsnews
October 6, 2023

Wayne Thomson Guest Speaks at Strathclyde Business School

For ATL it’s always a privilege to be involved in discussions around managing variation, quality, supply chain strategy - particularly when we can influence the next generation of talented young engineers to pursue careers within our field! This week, our…